Welcome to the one and only website of the insane mad scientist known to most (and now to you) as Dr. Cerebrumーalso occasionally referred to by his alias: decapitatedDog. This webpage serves as the primary location in which the proper detailings of said mad scientistry and similarly evil activities are archived. This is also the only region that links to any official social media, and the only way to contact the aforementioned mad doctor. For inquiries and anything related please refer to the contact page.
Notable traits of the brilliant Dr. Cerebrum include: having an IQ of 692, being fluent in every language ever known, having mastered every style of martial arts (even those not yet within humanity’s grasp), and currently stands as the sole clinician engineering the very fabric of chaos itself. Those who oppose Dr. Cerebrum, and their attempts to access this webpage are automatically documented and submitted to The Cabal of Six.
Cerebrum can program in all currently founded languages of all things computer engineering, though shows a particular fondness for C++, and HTML/CSS. The lunatic scientist of Wahnsinn is also very proficient in Blender, utilizing the software for asset creation and animation in both 2D and 3D. Other pronounced factoids of adroitness include a firm grasp of Adobe Premiere, Sony Vegas, and the Japanese language (N5).
The viewer is advised to consume the contents of this website at their own peril: be warned that this domain is not for the faint of heart. Strong sensations of terror, fear, and anguish can and will be experienced, voluntarily or otherwise. Reading any and all words on this page serves as proof of consent that can and will stand against all forms of legal action. Dr. Cerebrum is not responsible for any watchlists or governing bodies potential viewers may find themselves engulfed within.